Dress for Tuesday February 18th is FTUs.

The Training

  Cadet Training  
  To Learn - To Serve - To Advance
This is the Motto of the Air Cadet Program and the basis of our training and activities

To Learn

Through instruction and experience, all cadets gain new knowledge and develop new skills during their time in Air Cadets. First year training alone is centered around the following subjects:

  • Drill
  • Citizenship
  • Physical Fitness & Healthy Living
  • Teamwork & Leadership
  • Marksmanship & Rifle Handling
  • General Cadet Knowledge
  • Drill
  • Biathlon
  • Canadian Armed Forces Familiarization & Traditions
  • Radio Communications
  • Aviation & Aerospace
  • Aero Engines
  • Aerodrome Operations
  • Aircraft Manufacturing & Maintenance
  • Aircrew Survival
  • Orienteering

To Serve

Cadets learn to serve by partaking in different Community Service activities and events such as Remembrance Day but are also encouraged to become role models within the community outside of the Cadet Program as well.

By taking an active part in running the Squadron Level Program, cadets learn how to serve as leaders within an organization balancing the goals of the organization as a whole with the development and well being of their peers and subordinates. Cadets may start with simple tasks to prepare a classroom, or emptying a garbage can, but will soon become leaders and instructors responsible for the development of younger Cadets.

To Advance

Squadron Level Training is a progressive training model where Cadets experience a variety of topics, and then expand and delve deeper into each topic from year to year. Cadets will also be provided with greater levels of responsibility as they move from being team members to leaders with accompanying progressing through a rank structure.

  Non-Required Training  

Non-Required Training is optional training provided that is not specifically required for a cadet to advance in the program
but is meant to be fun and rewarding, developing, challenging and advancing.


Added Training

Based on the availability of qualified instructors and the interest of the Cadets, the Squadron puts on additional training for cadets on different week nights or on weekends. This training can be just for fun, for extra practice, or in preparation of an up-coming competition including:

  • Range/Marksmanship
  • Biathlon
  • Team Sports
  • Drill Team
  • Uniform Workshops
  • Leadership Workshops
  • Effective Speaking Training
  • First Aid

Individual Training

Individual cadets can choose to take part in other training offered provincially, regionally or nationally including:

On-line Ground School (OGS)

As a requirement for the Power Pilot or Glider Pilot Training Courses during the summer, cadets wishing to apply to these courses must register and complete a nationally-directed, online Ground School course (OGS).

Cadets must be registered for the OGS by mid-October; complete the training by Early January; and complete the online exam by mid-January. Specific dates for deadlines are issued annually. If the cadet fails to: register; complete training; or get a passing mark on the exam, they will be restricted from applying for either Training Course that following summer.

The OGS is a self-directed and self-paced course with online assistance available; however one Squadron adult staff member is assigned as the local Supervisor to coordinate registrations and timings; and to assist cadets having issues beyond the capabilities of the online assistance.

Advanced Leadership Training

Announced in late 2022, details of the Advanced Leadership Training, as a replacement for the Level 5 training, are anticipated for the start of the 2024/2025 training year. This training will be Optional but will likely become a requirement for promotion to the rank of Warrant Officer 2nd Class or higher.

Effective Speaking Competition

Organized by the Air Cadet League, individual cadets can compete in this Provincial-based competition held annually in March.  The Squadron's representative to the competition is selected in a Squadron-based elimination round, from those cadets interested in competing. The representative then goes on to the Provincial Competition, with the winner of that competition going on an all expenses-paid trip to compete in the National Competition held at the National Air Cadet League General Meeting in June.

Music Training

Although the Squadron may not have a band, individual cadets with an appitude for Brass, Woodwind, Percussion or Bagpipe Music, can apply to attend Music Training and Testing weekends throughout the year. This is a prerequisite for any cadet wising to apply for Summer Music Courses.

Team Competitions

As part of a team, cadets can take part in provincially and regionally-based competitions in:

  • Range/Marksmanship
  • Biathlon
  • Drill Team

Selection for teams is done from those individuals who particiapte in the added Training activities as listed above.  All competitions have a provincial component while some have a first stage area component like Marksmanship which first-stage mail-in component.  Successful Marksmanship and Biathlon teams go on the National competition.

Award Programs

These are voluntary programs offered to cadets for individual recognition and awards for extra effort and/or superior performance while in the Cadet Program

Cadet Award of Merit

Announced in late 2022, details of the Cadet Award of Merit are anticipated for the start of the 2024/2025 training year.


It is the goal of the Air Cadet League that every cadet should be able to get at least one ride in a glider or aircraft each year (not including transport to summer courses). Curious enough is that one of the region's Cadet Flying Sites is located right next door in Hangar 1 West and runs on weekends during the Spring and Fall each year. The Squadron is scheduled at least once a year to go gliding there. We're lucky with having a Cadet Flying Site so close, but other Squadron's who can't get to a Site are usual provided with small, light powered aircraft rides instead.

Recreational Tour & Trips

Every year the Squadron tries to get out for at least one recreation trip and in past years it has gone skiing.

  Summer Training  


Each year, thousands of Air Cadets attend training and courses at cadet training centres (CTCs) throughout the country. Participation in these courses is optional.

Which courses a cadet can apply for is dependent on the level of training they are currently in and increase in numbers as the cadet complete higher training levels.  Level 2 Cadets and above travel to other CTCs for courses on a wide range of subjects includng Music, Athletics, Leadership and Aviation.


Courses and training run:

  • two (2) weeks for Level 2 Cadets

  • four (4) and seven (7) weeks for 3rd year cadets and up

  • senior cadets also have the opportunity for summer employment for up to 7 weeks


Like the rest of the Air Cadet Program, there is no cost to attend summer courses however the available spaces are limited. Cadets who attend courses even qualify for a training bonus of $60/week while on course. Senior cadets selected for summer employment are paid a daily rate for every day of the term of employment, based on the position they are assessed and assigned at the CTC.


Only approximately 20% of all cadets are authorized to attend courses.  Of the applicants from within the Squadron, the Commanding Officer establishes a priority list for each course/program. A cadet’s position on the priority list is determined by several factors including the cadet’s age, interest and aptitude in the particular course, previous summer training and level of effective participation and performance in Squadron training.  This information helps Region Cadet staff to finalize which cadets go on course.


Cadets are briefed and applications forms are usually sent home with cadets in November with a January deadline.  Cadets and their parents/guardians are required to fill out the application for summer courses indicating their preferences. Parents should complete the form fully and return it to the Squadron promptly. Any questions about the form, should be directed to the Administration Officer.

Senior cadets, eligible to apply for the Glider Pilot Training Course (GPTC), the Power Pilot Training Course (PPTC) or International Exchange (IACE) are briefed in Septemer, so that cadets can enrol in the On-line Ground School and Exam process, a prerequisite to applying for the flying courses and prepare the additional supporting documents required for the Application process.

Note:  Due to recent changes in the Cadet Program, available programs and courses, their timings and the application dates have all changed recently and may be expected to change annually.  The most current details will be provided to the cadets as they are available.