Dress for Tuesday March 25th is C3 Dress Uniform |
182 GM Stefnufastur Squadron
The Air Cadet Program |
What do Air Cadets Do? Air Cadets participate in a range of dynamic training over the course of the school year and over the summer at one of our Summer Training Centres. Subjects include:
Our Squadron training is conducted both on Tuesday Nights and during other activities normally scheduled monthly, on weekends or specific dates (ie November 11th). The training is presented in a way to provide Cadets a practical opportunity to use the knowledge they learn. Cadets will further develop a sense of responsibility, teamwork and leadershp and many skills they can use throughout their lives. Cadets also have the opportunity to attend Summer Training to further develop the knowledge learned at the Squadron. Courses run two weeks for 2nd year cadets and up and four and six weeks for 3rd year cadets and up and cover a wide range of subjects from basic training to music, athletics, leadership and aviation. Senior cadets also have the opportunity for summer employment. Many of our cadets have moved on to rewarding careers both within the Canadian Forces and the civilian market. The discipline, leadership and instructional skills that they learn and develop are often transferred into their chosen profession. |
How Much Does This Cost? We get asked this all the time! Typically with youth programs there are various costs associated, including:
In the Cadet Program, all of these items are provided at - NO COST TO THE CADET NOR THEIR FAMILY - We are able to provide our training due to a partnership between the Canadian Armed Forces and the Air Cadet League of Canada. While the Program is provided at no cost, cadets will be expected to assist in fundraising opportunities put forward by our Sponsoring and Parents' Committees. The funds raised are then put towards additional costs associated with the activities. While some recreational trips/tours offered to cadets may require a fee be charge in order to offset expenses, these are completely optional activities with no bearing on the cadet's progress within the Program. In addition, Squadron policy is that no cadet will be left behind because of financial reasons. We will make every accommodation possible to ensure every cadet has equal opportunity to participate in all activities. |